Friday, August 17, 2012

Where do cupcakes fit into this diet?

They don't.  No cupcakes, not yet anyhow.  My boys think that "screen time" is the hardest.  Mom and dad think the "diet" is the hardest.  If you know me, you know I LOVE food!  Bacon, frosting, cupcakes, pop tarts, chips, candy, cereal, bread, cheese....the list goes on.  The shorter list is things I don't like to eat....mincemeat pie.  There you go, the one thing I don't like.

I knew going into Brain Balance that it was gluten and dairy free.  We can do that, right?  The first meeting with the nutritionist revealed this list....No dairy, no gluten, no soy, no eggs, no potatoes, no peanut butter, no rice and no corn.  Yeah, I said the same thing, "What are we going to eat?"  That is the first question anyone asks me when I explain the "no" list.  I call it the "Twigs and Berries Diet", but it really is more than that.  Absolutely nothing processed is in our fridge or in our pantry.  If you can sit it on the shelf and it won't die, then we don't have it.

The nutritionist informed us that this only for 3 weeks.  It is an elimination diet of sorts.  After the blood and urine labs come back then our diet will completely change again.  O.k. so only 3 weeks...we can do this.

Wait? This means I have to cook, like really cook.  Not open the Hamburger Helper box and cook.  This is real cooking.  I have to clean ingredients. I have to plan ahead.  I have to shop a lot more.  I have to be PREPARED!  I've tried this route before....that is why we have Ramen Noodles in the cupboard.  I remember a time about a year ago when I suggested to Chris that maybe we try a stricter diet for the boys.  We talked it out, and both agreed how would I ever be able to cook that way and stick to it.  To quote Maya Angelou....“When you know better you do better.” 

Alright, lets start simple.  The boys love broccoli.  Buy that.  They like lunch meat.  Buy the organic Applegate brand (I can pronounce everything in the ingredient list).  They like fruit.  Buy that.  Now, we got something.  I added organic Hot Dogs, chicken, and hamburger.  Good start.  Tried out Quinoa, one boy likes it the other doesn't.  Tried out pinto beans, the one who likes Quinoa won't eat beans, the one who dislikes Quinoa will eat pinto beans.  We're on a roll now..... a gluten free "roll" of course.

Thankfully, the crew at Brain Balance gave me some recipes and one of them was for homemade granola.  My husband's words to me..."Make sure we always have that made up.  If we don't I am driving to McDonald's and getting french fries."  That was his subtle way of saying that stuff is going to be my saving grace and if we are gonna do this diet, then that better always be on hand. I gave the recipe to my mom and told her make sure we never run out of this.  Yes, I make it as well.  It is so easy.
You want the recipe now, don't you?  Well, here you go......

Tammy's Granola

6 cups Gluten Free oats (Bob's Red Mill)
3/4 cup honey
3/4 cup Coconut Oil

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and toss until coated.  Pour onto a baking sheet that is covered in Parchment paper.  (If you do not use the paper, it will stick horribly!)  Bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees taking it out every 10 minutes to stir.  Then mix an additional 1/2 cup honey and 3 tablespoons vanilla and pout over granola and stir again and put back in for 10 minutes. You can add fruit, nuts or coconut as well.  Make sure if you use fruit, it is not dried fruit with added sugar.

We are officially 2 weeks in to this "elimination diet".  We have not cheated one time.  It is not an option.  This is to help our boys.  To me it is like a lifesaving way of life.  There is no going back.  No option B.  The boys take their lunches and have special snacks for school.  They are doing AWESOME!  I had a headache the first couple of days, because you do go through withdrawal symptoms.  My husband and I agree that food has never tasted better, we've never felt better and we eat less.  The boys still occasionally ask for a McDonald's hamburger, but the feeling passes and we usually find a way to distract them.....they are ADD and ADHD, it isn't that hard to distract them. Ha, Ha!  Our oldest told me the other day he feels "normal" eating this diet.

Thanks buddy, that is just what mommy wanted to hear.

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