Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today I was going to write about the day they told us about the nutrition plan, but other things have happened.

It was the second day of school and it has been a little rough.  We are supposed to control their screen time, but everything they learn is taught on giant screens now.  They don't really use chalkboards anymore.  I am not going to make them wear a patch on their eye during school and they can't avoid screen time.  Also, when they get home they want to have 30 minutes of their own screen time....something that they want to do.  Not school work!

R.D. (our oldest) was on too long.  Dad set a timer and then left to go pick up Nathan from school.  I was coming home from a nail appointment.  R.D. met me at the garage door to tell me he had stayed on a couple of minutes too long.  Something didn't sound right, and he had a friend here.  He also got upset when I told him that he couldn't watch his friend on the screen, that goes against the screen time rules.  Well, it turns out that he had been on the computer for about 17 minutes too long.  The first time we have really broken screen time rules.  It upset me that R.D. didn't shut down the computer when he was supposed to.  Remember, this is the hardest part of Brain Balance for my boys.  The limited screen time is taking more supervision than the diet.

Nathan broke down and started crying while doing his last two sets of exercises.  He says he hates this time of day.  He comes home from school and does exercises, eats dinner, does more exercise, and then does more exercises, showers and then goes to bed.  He wants to play!  I can't wait till we add the homework.  He doesn't understand why he is crying and is getting frustrated. I know it is part of the process and that he just has a lot of emotions going through his body right now.  Including reverting back to when he was younger and couldn't control things as well.  But, how do you explain it to an 8 year old?

He also didn't eat his lunch.  He ate the raisins, that was it.  Now, he is eating everything he can tonight.  I've tried explaining how important his lunch is to his ability to do good school work, he promised he will eat it tomorrow.  I sure hope so!

We did get the call that the nutritionist has our results so we can meet with him next Wednesday. That is one meeting I am really looking forward to, but terrified for as well.  Depending on what their intolerances are, the diet will get a complete revamp next week.  I know we can do it, we have to do it!

One bright spot happened yesterday with R.D.  While doing his exercises he was telling me about his first day of 6th grade.  Apparently, they got candy.  I asked him if he had any.  "No, mom. I can't." He told me he took 3 pieces and that I would find them in his backpack.  We talked about why he couldn't eat them and that it must have been really hard to say "no".  He said it was difficult, but he then told me..."I feel normal".  He told me that this diet is helping to make him feel normal!  Wow!  That was worth everything.....he can feel the difference.   We are doing something right!

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