Friday, August 24, 2012

Let's Make A Deal

I think Yogi Bear sums up what my mom is dealing with this morning.  It is 5:25 a.m. and I have already had two phone calls from my mom.  Nathan woke up as I was leaving for work this morning.  He hasn't done this in forever.  I headed out the door and he headed down to get grandma. 

The first phone call came at 5:00 a.m. with my mom asking me what to do with my "Ravenous" son.  He had been begging her for her cheese roll-ups, or noodles, he'd even settle for a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  Grandma resisted his cute little face and desperate pleas, but she didn't know what she could feed him.  I got on the phone with Nathan and  explained why he couldn't have a buffalo burger this morning either.  I then gave him some acceptable choices and he thanked me for giving him options, and that he would take raisins.

Second phone call at 5:15 a.m......Nathan has eaten a bowl of raisins, a granola bar and was working on a bowl of cold quinoa with Ketchup.  He also wanted grandma to know this was NOT his breakfast.  For breakfast he would be trying my granola cereal with almond milk.  Clearly, we are in a growth spurt.  Sadly, I am at work and can't remember his entire "Do Not  Eat" list.  However, I think granola is on the 4 day rotation plan and so is honey.  I guess no more granola for 4 days.  I keep reminding myself that this won't be a perfect science for a few more weeks and we are bound to make mistakes.  We'll learn and move on. 

I think I'll take advantage of this growth spurt and use it to get him to eat foods I normally wouldn't be able to get him to try.....if he's hungry enough, he will eat it.

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