Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Mom, I can't wait for Thursday!"

Yesterday was our first Brain Balance session.  Both boys loved it.  Alright, so it probably helps that they can earn "Brain Balance Bucks" and then shop in the Brain Balance store, but I'll take it!  They both agreed that it was more fun than the "at home" exercises.  I also believe it was good to associate something different with this Brain Balance journey.  The staff at the facility here in St. George is pretty amazing.  R.D. started first and was partnered with another boy who is also right brain delayed.  Nathan went a half hour later and did his session with just the staff member.  It was funny sitting in the waiting room and listening to the conversations.  Kids talk about their brain delays, they ask if you are right or left brain delay, are you obsessed with certain things....all topics that are fun to hear these kids discuss.  I think it is great for my boys to know that there are others that have the same struggles that they do, and that they are not that different. 

R.D. walked out with 6 Brain Bucks, as we call them.  Not bad for his first day.  And then he handed the nice lady behind the counter a "Brain".  She was shocked!  She asked if he had really earned a brain on his first day....brains are hard to come by and usually not handed out on the first day.  I know you are reading this and thinking, "they hand out brains".  Yes, they do!  Brains are exactly that.....brain shaped cutouts that are orange and green.  One half is green and the other half is orange.  Whenever the kids do something really well they earn a brain.  That brain then hangs in the hallway with their picture.  Each kid is pictured that is in the program and the brains they earn are displayed for all to see and congratulate them.  It's pretty cool to see. 

Nathan came out a half hour later and handed in his 6 Brain Bucks.  No brain earned, but a smile on his face.  The boys were told that they can earn up to 30 Brain Balance Bucks a week and then they get to shop in the new Brain Balance store.  After being given a tour of the store....Nathan announced, "I want to come everyday to Brain Balance and earn Brain Bucks."  They earn their bucks by doing their best in their sessions, doing their at home exercises, and following nutrition.  Ummm, yeah that means mommy can't mess that up anymore!  I can proudly say my boys have not cheated on their diet.  No candy, no unacceptable snacks, no cheating.   Now, I have messed up nutrition for them, but not in the way that would be considered horrible.  Just a part of the learning curve.  I am so proud of my boys!  They are being asked to do a lot, but they have tackled each hurdle we have put in front of them.  I love learning from them....I feel so blessed! 

Now, we will see how I feel when we start having more regression in behavior and other "not so fun" phases that are all a part of this process.  I am expecting them and I will try to prepare to the best of my ability.  Thankfully, I have Jesus Christ as my savior and I know that he will carry any burden that I feel is too heavy.  I plan to be turning to him a lot over the coming months. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing these posts. I am learning so much about something I knew very little about! :) Hoping for the best for you!

