Monday, September 3, 2012

Oops! I did it again!

Oops! I did it again...yeah, I looked for pictures that fit that description, let's just say I won't be using any of those.  Lucky for me, I stumbled on to this quote while trying to find something to go with this post.  I am glad my original idea didn't really work out.  This one is way better.

Now, what did I do again?  Good question, bad answer.  I messed up R.D.'s food, again.  This time with his absolute favorite thing on this earth....BACON!  When R.D. was tested his blood work came back as a mild intolerance to "pork", but because he ate bacon almost daily before the test, they said he couldn't eat it for 3 months.  That is how both boys lost "beef" was something they ate several times a week, before the tests.  Any food that was in the "mild intolerance" list that they ate a lot of got moved to the "moderate intolerance" list.  Well, in my looking at his sheet, I failed to notice the line I had drawn from pork to the moderate list.  OOPS! I did it again!  Yesterday, was what had been 4 days since R.D. had bacon.  I let him have it for breakfast, dinner and I even through in a pork steak for good measure.  I mean if you're gonna mess it up, why not do it with style.

Today has been full of a disobeying R.D.  He has not wanted to listen and has been argumentative.  We couldn't figure out what was going on.  Then I was going over menus and noticed that cute little star by bacon and the line going to moderate intolerance.  I might have said some really not "nice" things to myself.  Are you kidding me?  I have to go tell him again, that mommy completely messed up his diet.  After breaking that news to dawned on me. He has been acting up because of the "Bacon".  Seriously, they tell us at Brain Balance to watch for changes in mood, behavior and other things daily.  Today, was clearly a reaction to the bacon.  I learned something new.  I could actually see the change and the result of the diet.  In a crazy way, I think it needed to happen.  It once again gives me more proof that diet plays a huge part in their behavior.

Tomorrow we head down another path....the boys start their actual Brain Balance sessions.  I am beyond excited.  I know it will be tough, but it can't be tougher than telling your son he can't have bacon.....

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