Sunday, August 19, 2012

Jeremiah 29:11 is the Bible verse I rely on a lot in my life.  I love it!  It reminds me that God has my back.  I think of it often.

On Friday afternoon when I was helping Nathan with one of his last exercises for the evening, it dawned on me to enjoy the time.  Yeah, it does get monotonous and it sometimes seems to get in the way, but in that moment I remembered to enjoy the moment with Nathan.  Sadly, they are growing up fast and it won't be long until they won't want to hang out with me.  I made up my mind that I will enjoy these times with them.  Now tackling the exercises 5x a day has even more purpose for me.

Another thing that I love is the lack of TV and computer games in this household now.  We got rid of our Directv back in July and only have Netflix on Wii.  Before Brain Balance we found ourselves still filling our time with watching the screen.  We weren't watching Directv anymore, but we were still camping in front of our television.  With Brain Balance we have all but eliminated it.  I like this, a lot! I enjoy the laughter of my boys finding creative activities to do together.  I love finding them reading a book.  They have dug out forgotten toys from the toy box and they are playing and using their imaginations.  We do more together now than ever before.  I can tell that the limited screen time is helping with behavior and their sleeping.  The arguing has diminished.  My favorite lines, "Just one more minute" or "Just let me finish this level" aren't heard anymore.  As I type this they both just came out to show me the Pokemon book they were putting together for Nathan.  R.D. was giving him a bunch of cards to get him started.  They want to play together.  About an hour ago, Chris had taken Nathan storm chasing and R.D. said to me, "I miss Nathan, I would be sad if he wasn't around."  Yes, they are the way R.D. also through in there that he still wants a sister.  Ummm, lets just stick to Brain Balance for now.

A second question that people ask me a lot is about the cost of food.  Yes, it is more expensive.  We buy organic, unprocessed, fresh food.  I am keeping Natural Grocers in business!  But, what Chris and I have found is that we haven't eaten out since August 3 (referred to as the Last Supper, since it was before Brain Balance started).  We also don't waste food.  I used to throw so much out in the garbage.  We prepare it fresh and whatever is left over we eat the next day.  I just mentioned to Chris how nice it was to use what we prepare.  Also, we don't eat as much food.  The foods we eat are filling and full of nutrition.  I don't crave crappy food anymore.

If you haven't watched "Forks Over Knives" or "Food Inc." yet, I would encourage you to.  It has really made it a lot easier to stick to this lifestyle change.

I am pretty pleased with how my Sunday has gone.  I got the granola cereal prepared, the granola bars in the fridge and roasted a chicken.  We are ready for the week ahead.   What a great feeling!  My mom even roasted a turkey on Saturday and we have that as well.  I am looking forward to this week.  We are getting closer to Brain Balance sessions starting, and I can't wait to report that progress.

Better go check on my acorn squash that is baking with coconut oil and 100% pure Maple syrup for should go nicely with our fresh roasted turkey.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of this! We live this way and feel good and refreshed! I love that my stomach doesnt feel heavy and bogged down. I applaud what you are doing :)
